Hello, my name is J-Bird and I am addicted to riding waves.
Before work today, I went up to NH with Jacob and we caught some really glassy chest high surf. I had one drop in that was over head and it was just one of those waves I can't stop playing over in my head. The drop in was sweet and then riding along the face of the wave was so exhilarating and freeing.
Sometimes, I think about how much I love surfing and it is overwhelming. I always ask, "Why do I love surfing so much?" and there are so many reasons, but today was the glassy swell and rides.
Do you ever have surf session that makes you happy all day? Do you ever
replay a wave you caught in your head over and over again?
Tell us about a great surf session or ride that you have caught. We would love to hear your surf stories!
Spread the Swell,
For our launch party, we gave away Jimbo's New England Surf Wax and two prize packs. Jimbo asked us if we wanted to donate some BirdSwell shirts to a high school Fashion Show Fundraiser called, Strut for a Cause. All the money raised by auctioning off different clothing would go to Breast Cancer. We were very willing to do so as cancer has affected so many people's lives including some of our own family and friends.
We weren't able to attend the event, but were notified that over $ 6,000 was raised for breast cancer and that the kids that modeled our shirts loved them.
Here are some pictures from Strut for a Cause:
Spread the Swell,
Jacob and I traveled 7 hours up and back to Rockland, ME to take part in the Maine Surf Film Festival and it was totally worth it!
Thankfully, on Sunday we were able to get some of our own swell in MA and hit the surf for 3.5 hours. A weekend full of SURF!
They showed 5 films:
Dear and Yonder (2009)
This film is an ode to Women’s surfing created by Tiffany Campbell and Andria Lessler.
Ishmael (2004)
This film is Ben Keller’s (local New England surfer) documentary about New England winter surfing. It featured 10 avid winter surfers from Maine, New Hampshire and Massachusetts.
Little Black Wheels (2010)
This film documents a family’s 5 month surf road trip around Australia created by Mick Waters.
Powers of Three (2009)
This film from Ireland portrays the Irish surf scene and follows three surfers as they pioneer and conquer Irish waves in the bleak winter months.
180º South (2010)
This was the feature film and the Maine Premiere. This film by Chris Malloy documents the adventures of surfer and climber Jeff Johnson as he retraces the epic journey to Chilean Patagonia of his heros Yvon Chouinard (rock climbing legend and founder of Patagonia) and Doug Tompkins.
They also showed some shorts from GRAIN surfboards and Get in the Van. At the break, Corduroy Boutique put together a Surf Art Show and free food was served.
It was a weekend full of surfing, waves, art and food. It was really fun!
It has inspired thoughts of putting on a MA Surf Film Fest. It may happen in late summer/fall but no promises! It could be an awesome event though!
Spread the Swell,
Thank you all so much for coming out to the Launch Party and supporting BirdSwell!
On April 13th, 2010, we held a Launch Party at the Landsdowne Pub in Boston, MA. We wanted to celebrate and introduce BirdSwell by throwing a party. The night was really amazing and more than 100 people came out to check out what BirdSwell is about. We gave out new BirdSwell buttons/pins with 5 different designs, new stickers, and Jimbo’s Surf Wax which is based out of New England. For the special RSVP gift, we gave out engraved BirdSwell surfboard bottle openers and a coupon off of surfboards and skateboards to Ocean Frog Surf and Skate shop in Malden, MA.
We started the night out with an introduction to BirdSwell and the release of the new t-shirt design, Stained Glass (will be on the site on very soon.)
We also mentioned that we might be doing some BirdSwell day and weekend surf trips along with other events. (Sign up for our e-mail list, and we will keep you updated on surf trip ideas and events in and around New England.)
After the introduction, the band, Bailout played covers of some really fun songs, including (what I consider BirdSwell’s theme song) “Surfing Bird” by The Trashmen. They rocked out and everyone really enjoyed the live tunes and entertainment. We streamed different surf movies through out the night on all of the flat screen TVs in the pub.
After the first set, we held a raffle of different surf products from surf shops around New England, Boloco meal cards and new BirdSwell hoodies (will be on the site soon.) After the raffle, Bailout came back on stage and played for another hour and people started dancing and having a great time.
My family came out along with Jacob’s parents who flew in for the night from Maryland to celebrate with us. Our friends came out to support BirdSwell as well. Our family and friend’s support has been truly amazing and greatly appreciated. We are forever grateful for each and everyone of them. A lot of new faces came out to check BirdSwell out too and it was great meeting everyone.
All in all, the party was really fun and exceeded our expectations. Thank you all again for coming out and joining us for the launch of BirdSwell!
Spread the Swell,
A couple of weeks ago, I was asked to join a facebook fan page called, “Why do you surf?” and then was asked to post my answer on the fan page wall.
When I read this question, I wanted to answer in so many ways and decided I couldn’t sum it up in just one sentence. While I have been thinking about how to articulate my answer, I read other people’s responses and I completely agree with their sentiments about surfing.
So, “Why do I surf?”
I surf because:
it is my passion.
it is fun.
I am addicted to catching waves.
I want to top the last ride.
it brings me pure happiness.
it is my way of life.
it releases stress and worry.
i love the ocean.
it heals.
I can escape from the hectic world for a moment.
it is freeing.
I love being immersed in nature.
I need to.
I like dancing on waves.
it is good exercise and I don’t dread it like running.
I crave the glide.
it keeps my spirit alive.
it realigns my perspective.
it is a natural high.
I love it.
I am hooked.
it brings me to new parts of the world.
it brings adventures.
it’s gives me an adrenaline high.
it has created the fondest memories with friends and family.
I can’t live without it.
it can be spiritual.
it brings me closer to God.
I could go on and on, but there isn’t one true reason why I surf. I fell in love with surfing and I have never looked back. I have been blessed by surfing and I will continue to surf until I can’t. Once you get the stoke, you just can’t stop.
So, I will ask you the same question, “Why Do You Surf?”
Spread the Swell,