May 26, 2010 | 0 comments

I seriously LOVE SURFING!

Hello, my name is J-Bird and I am addicted to riding waves.

Before work today, I went up to NH with Jacob and we caught some really glassy chest high surf. I had one drop in that was over head and it was just one of those waves I can't stop playing over in my head. The drop in was sweet and then riding along the face of the wave was so exhilarating and freeing.

Sometimes, I think about how much I love surfing and it is overwhelming. I always ask, "Why do I love surfing so much?" and there are so many reasons, but today was the glassy swell and rides.

Do you ever have surf session that makes you happy all day? Do you ever replay a wave you caught in your head over and over again?

Tell us about a great surf session or ride that you have caught. We would love to hear your surf stories!

Spread the Swell,



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