BirdSwell had an awesome time taking photos of the new shirts that came in. Here are a few extra group photos that came from the photo shoot!
These guys thought it would be awesome to pose as if a sweet swell was falling on their heads!
We hope you enjoy the extra photos! We took a ton of picture but these ones were so much fun that we wanted to share them!
We were lucky enough to photo document the first BirdSwell tee shirts to ever be printed! We took pictures of Barreled Bird and Flower Bird printing right in the shop. It was an exciting experience to see BirdSwell come alive!
Here are a whole bunch of images of the process:
We are using a great company called, Hemlock Ink to print our shirts:
Here is the first ever BirdSwell Shirt being printed:
Going into the drying rack:
Hot off the press!
Final product on the shelf with hang tag and sticker attached:
This is our second shirt, Flower Bird, in the printing process:
This is the screen created that is used for printing shirts:
Hot off the press!
We are very excited to be releasing the first BirdSwell tee shirts!
Take a look at the shop and hopefully you will find some sweet swell that fits your style!
Spread the Swell!
BirdSwell shirts are in production and will be ready after Thanksgiving!
We are pretty excited to be releasing the first ever BirdSwell shirts. We are distributing them to Cinnamon Rainbows Surf Shop and Pioneers Surf Skate Snow Shop as well. You can also get them there or buy them right here online!
We will be having a launch party, Spread the Swell in early 2010! Keep your eye out for updates about the launch party.