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March 28, 2011 | 0 comments

3.28.11 - Salty Goodness

Today, Jacob and I were finally able to get out for a dawn patrol session. We were going to go yesterday in SC, but I woke up with a horrible sore throat and headache. 

I almost decided to stay in my warm bed this morning instead of going surfing. I still have a sore throat, but no headache. Jacob said we had to go surfing because he had not been in the water for 2 weeks. I went last Tuesday, but the weather and winds took over the rest of the week.

We went to the Jetty and it was a little choppy at first. Throughout the session it cleaned up and was offshore by the time we left. I think the salt water rinse helped clear my throat and stuffed up nose, however the water was dirty due to all the rain. The waves were clean, fun and chest high.

In New England, we use to wait weeks on end for swell to get bigger than knee high so waiting for 2 weeks isn't that big of a deal for us. Now, it seems like we have to wait for swell to get smaller and less rough from the wind and storms. This past winter in CA we were blessed with beautiful swell so I am very grateful for all the waves! 

Ride Waves and Spread the Swell,

March 22, 2011 | 0 comments

3.22.11 - Solo Surf Session

Solo surf session was decent. I was happy to be back in the salty goodness!

March 20, 2011 | 0 comments

First Time at Tahoe

Jacob and I went to Tahoe for a ski weekend with his friends from work. A group of people rent a cabin at Heavenly Resort for the season and it's located across from the chair lift. We cooked all our meals at the cabin and only left when we wanted to ski. A big storm hit Friday night and skied fresh powder all Saturday.

It was a really fun weekend exploring a new mountain. We heard that the surf wasn't that great this weekend so it was a prefect weekend to go to Tahoe! We are hoping that the swell and wind calms down so we can surf this week.

March 12, 2011 | 0 comments

3.12.11 - Surf, Grilling and Friends

Jacob and I met up with Chris and his little cousin, Nate and we surfed at LM. Kyle was already at LM catching nice lefts (his favorite since he is goofy foot). It wasn't too crowded and there were shoulders on the smaller set waves but the outside sets were pure close outs. The paddle out was tough but we all made it pass the giant breakers.

We surfed for 3.5 hours. We all caught some really nice shoulders. My first and last waves were my best. Other waves were drop ins to white water. Jacob caught a sweet left shoulder and it was definitely the wave of the day.

After 3.5 hour surf session, we were starving so we went to the new grocery store next to Linda Mar Beach, Fresh and Easy. We got a bunch of food to grill. One of Jacob's co-workers, Wesley thought we were having a party (scheduled for 2 weeks from now today) so he and his girlfriend joined us too. It was a great day for surfing and grilling outside. We even played a fun game that Wesley brought.

Tomorrow we will be in Santa Cruz selling shirts at the "Ring into Spring Festival" If you are in the area come check us out. 

Ride Waves and Spread the Swell,

March 11, 2011 | 2 comments

Our First Tsunami Warning

I woke up to a text message at 6:30am from my brother (he lives on the East Coast) saying Tsunami waves were heading our way and would be hitting where we live. At first, I thought he was joking and I brushed it off. Another minute went by, and a bunch of other messages from friends in the area arrived in my email and text messages.

Jacob and I didn't really know what to think so we asked our neighbors. They said that the Tsunami alarm was broken, but there was a warning issued. They all said they were going to leave the area. We decided that it would be best if I worked from Jacob's office today which is inland San Francisco. We packed up, skipped showers and left the house at 7:15am. 

There isn't any damage in our area and the only thing that showed signs of a Tsunami were extreme high and low tides in rapid succession. Other areas in CA got some damage but not nearly as bad as Japan.

I probably didn't need to leave the house or worry much about the tsunami warning, but we thought "better safe than sorry."

My thoughts and prayers are with Japan as they suffer a terrible disaster. 

Stay safe,

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