March 12, 2011 | 0 comments

3.12.11 - Surf, Grilling and Friends

Jacob and I met up with Chris and his little cousin, Nate and we surfed at LM. Kyle was already at LM catching nice lefts (his favorite since he is goofy foot). It wasn't too crowded and there were shoulders on the smaller set waves but the outside sets were pure close outs. The paddle out was tough but we all made it pass the giant breakers.

We surfed for 3.5 hours. We all caught some really nice shoulders. My first and last waves were my best. Other waves were drop ins to white water. Jacob caught a sweet left shoulder and it was definitely the wave of the day.

After 3.5 hour surf session, we were starving so we went to the new grocery store next to Linda Mar Beach, Fresh and Easy. We got a bunch of food to grill. One of Jacob's co-workers, Wesley thought we were having a party (scheduled for 2 weeks from now today) so he and his girlfriend joined us too. It was a great day for surfing and grilling outside. We even played a fun game that Wesley brought.

Tomorrow we will be in Santa Cruz selling shirts at the "Ring into Spring Festival" If you are in the area come check us out. 

Ride Waves and Spread the Swell,


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