6.10.12 - Church of Surf
I was able to get out once this week. I caught a head cold and I am still recovering from it.
Time: Sunday Morning
Where: JT
Surfed with: Jacob, Cynthia and also saw Julie and Ian!
Swell Height: waist high
Swell Condition: clean fast lefts and sunny
Highlights of the session:
Cynthia arrived at the JT at 7am and we rolled in around 8am to beat the Spring winds. I rushed to get out into the line up to meet up with Cynthia while Jacob took his time. It was a nice easy dry paddle out. The waves were a little sparse at first. After 10 minutes, Cynthia and I caught one wave together! Cynthia had to leave to visit with her sick kitty, but she is on the mend.
I paddled back out and Jacob finally met up with me. While waiting for the waves I spotted Julie in the water. She and I participated in a Pacifica Art Festival. She makes really nice fleece jackets and other fleece products. I paddled over to her and we talked for a bit. She told me that she use to live right on Steamers Lane in Santa Cruz. Jealous! She moved up here for different reasons, but lives really close to the JT. I hope I will see her out in the water again.
After talking to her, Ian, a guy in my business networking group yelled my name! I love being in the water with people I know. We talked for a bit and then I caught 2 really nice lefts. It seemed like the swell was getting messier with the tide. My hands started going numb so I wanted to go in and caught one more and called it a day.
Spread the Swell,