August 30, 2011 | 1 comments

8.28.11 Anniversary Surf Adventure

Jacob and J-Bird

On our actually wedding anniversary (8.23) Jacob and I went out to Paradise Beach Grille for dinner and planned a Surf Adventure for the weekend. 

We decided we were going to drive down the coast and try some new spots. I really wanted to surf near the Pigeon Point Lighthouse, but unfortunately the swell wasn't big enough. We found swell at San Gregorio State Beach. The swell was really big and swell period was really short. I wasn't able to get through breakers and should have brought a different surfboard for those conditions. Jacob was able to get out and caught two overhead clean waves. 

We kept driving further down the coast and ended up at "The Hook" in Santa Cruz. We have never surfed this particular spot. It was a good day to try since it wasn't too crowded. The swell period was really long but we caught a ton of waist to chest high waves. I rode Jacob's 9'8 and Jacob tried my 7'10 hybrid. He hasn't really ridden this board. While we were in the lineup, we saw a couple of otters playing in the kelp beds. It was awesome!

Año Nuevo

After we were done surfing, we had a picnic at sunny Año Nuevo state beach! There was a quail family and blue bird that joined us. After we ate, we walked down to the beach and watched the surfers. It was entertaining to watch them catch steep closed out waves. We took some sand from the beach so we can add it to our Unity Sand in the years to come.

Wedding Day: Watamu, Kenya (engaged) and Playa Esterillos, Costa Rica (our adventures)
1st Year: Mt. Mayon Volcano, Philippines (honeymoon)
2nd Year: St. John's, US Virgin Islands (our travels)
3rd Year: Santa Cruz, California (our travels)

Love Life,


  • Mojo Says:
    August 31, 2011

    Can’t believe it’s 3 years!


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