August 20, 2011 | 0 comments

Surfy Surfy for 8.2.11 - 8.19

Before we went to Ireland, I forgot to post 2 surf sessions:

8.2.11 - BEST surf session in Nor Cal since we have lived here!
Jacob and I woke up early and nothing was happening at LM. We continued down to Montara because it seems like if LM is flat then Montara has manageable surf. It looked really clean and uncrowded. When we got there, Chris was already checking the conditions and he said that it looked like a good longboard day.

Thankfully, I brought my 8'6 WRV longboard because my hybrid wouldn't have caught the waves in the same way. 

There were so many waves and we all caught some really fun chest to shoulder high waves.

It was perfect conditions…good sized clean waves, no wind and uncrowded. Throughout the day, I kept replaying this session and how amazing it was. A perfect day in Northern California!

8.4.11 - Jumbled JT
I was determined to go surfing before we left for Ireland because I didn't know if we were going to be able to surf over there. Thankfully, we surfed in Ireland and it was wicked awesome!

There were only four of us out at the JT. The other guys were really nice and we even saw some dolphins! It was waist high with some close outs.

Surf Sessions after Ireland:

8.16.11 - Surfing helps me keep my head clear
Even though we were jet lag, I really needed to go surfing. Surfing is helping me keep my head clear from everything that is going on. Thankfully we have really good friends here for support too.

We got to Montara, and there was swell but not as good as the perfect day that Jacob, Chris and I enjoyed on 8.2.11. It was a little choppy with shoulder high waves.

8.18.11 - More Montara
Montara has been really good lately so we keep going back there and finding some decent swell.

At first, the surf was little wind blown, but the set waves that came through were really fun and fast. By the end of the session, the swell cleaned up and was chest high. We also saw Chris and Tracey out in the line up. It's always nice to see familiar faces.

8.19.11 - LM
I made Jacob get up for yet another surf session. It was drizzling, gray and the water was frigid with a cold breeze. Our expectations were low as the swell was closing out. However, by the time we got in, the waves cleaned up and were really fun! Jacob caught a bunch and I caught a few good ones. The drop ins were fast and mostly shoulder high rights. Denise and Amanda joined us too!

Ride Waves and Spread the Swell,


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