July 24, 2011 | 0 comments

7/20 & 7/24 Surf Sessions

7/20/11 - Solo Jetty
Jacob and I were suppose to meet up with Amanda and Denise but we decided to go to the Jetty instead of Linda Mar. LM was crowded and didn't look that great.

When we arrived at the Jetty there was no one there and nice waist high peelers. We decided to stay and had a solo session the whole time!

At first I was riding my 8'6 longboard but switched boards with Jacob. He was riding my 7'6 pintail. I haven't really ridden this board that much because New England didn't have big enough waves to catch. Jetty ramps up and allows a fun drop in. We caught a ton of waves and were pretty excited that it was just us in the water.

7/24/11 - Somewhere in HMB
Jacob and I have wanted to teach our friends Jay and Rachel how to surf since we moved to California. Jay was able to learn today but Rachel couldn't because of an eye infection. Next time we go she says she wants to learn. Jay did a great job for his first time. He comfortably paddled around, caught white water and stood on the board for a few seconds. He says he wants to go out again to get better. We are excited to take them both next time.

We gathered a great surf crew: Jacob, Chris, Cynthia, Jay, Kyle, Brent and me. We were the only ones at the break. Kyle informed me that it is better on a high tide so the wave can form better off the sand bars. We went at low tide and the waves were shoulder to waist high with really quick fast drops that often closed out. Even though the wave wasn't stellar, it was just our friends out unlike other over crowded spots that we passed by on the way to this more exclusive spot.

Jay, Jacob, J-Bird, Chris about to hit the surf

After our surf session, I gathered everyone for a BirdSwell photo shoot for the new Lino Block designs that will be released on Thursday, July 28th, 2011.

Here is a sneak preview of the new designs

Besides releasing new Lino Block BirdSwell designs, BirdSwell is now selling shirts at The Log Shop in Pacifica, CA (where we live and surf all the time!) We are very excited that a local shop is supporting BirdSwell now!

Ride Waves and Spread the Swell,


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