June 06, 2011 | 0 comments

May 2011 Cal Rep Show

On May 24th and 25th, Joe (BirdSwell Creative Team Member) and I went to the Cal Rep Show in Santa Cruz to exhibit the BirdSwell clothing line.

This was BirdSwell's first trade show and it was a good experience. We learned a lot about the industry and how trade shows work. We were amongst the major brands in the surf industry such as: Rip Curl, Quicksilver, Roxy, Rusty, O'Neil, Hurley and the list goes on. 

I went into this trade show for the experience and to learn from others. I definitely learned from other sales representatives and some were even nice enough to give me advice.

We met with a couple of buyers and retailers that really seemed to be interested. I am proud to announce that we will be delivering shirts to 2 Mile Surf Shop in Bolinas, CA in the middle of June! Bolinas is a really nice surf break in Northern California.

BirdSwell has a long way to go, but this was a small stepping stone for growth and experience on the west coast.

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