April 24, 2011 | 0 comments

4.23.11 - Choppy Saturday Session

This past week was really busy with work and also very windy. I got out on Saturday with Jacob, Chris and Nikki and it was still not the best conditions. We checked all the spots and ended up at the Jetty. It was really choppy waist high surf.

I decided to take out a 6 foot twin fin fish shaped board. Luke is letting us borrow this board and another shorter board. I felt like a fish out of water and completely out of my comfort zone. I had to paddle extremely hard and also kick my feet to add extra power to catch waves. I only caught one legitimate wave and when I stood up it was really shaky. I felt like I was learning how to surf all over again. I have ridden Chris' 6'4 hybrid board but it was a lot different because it super wide, thick, floaty and easier to catch waves with.

I am glad that I took it out and test it out. It was mostly fun and sometimes frustrating. I will probably try it again but next time with better conditions.

Ride Waves and Spread the Swell,


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