March 09, 2011 | 0 comments

3.9.11 - DP at LM

We didn't teach my sister how to surf this past weekend because we were so busy hiking, seeing elephant seals and celebrating her birthday. Next time she comes, we are going to make sure that she surfs with us.

This morning, Jacob and I went to LM to meet up with Kyle. We saw Chris and Tracey there. They decided to surf on the south end while we headed north. I caught 2 really good head high lefts and some of the other waves were close outs. Jacob and Kyle caught some nice waves too. I hadn't been in the water since Friday and I could feel it. I wasn't paddling as fast and my endurance was down. I have to stay in surf shape!

We will have a booth at Ring Into Spring Festival in Santa Cruz on Sunday, March 13th. If you are in the area, come check us out from 10pm-5pm. You can get more details on the events page.

Ride Waves and Spread the Swell,


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