March 05, 2011 | 0 comments

3.5.11 - Busy Week

With a busy week of meetings, Friday was the only day I got to surf so far. I checked on Thursday and the ocean denied me. Surf was blown out and the fog was so heavy in areas that I couldn't see the waves.

My sister, Cindy arrived on Thursday night to spend her birthday weekend with Jacob and me. Friday, I had another meeting and after Cindy and I had lunch and went on a hike around LM. Cindy is training for a 1/2 marathon so she wanted to go running and that was a perfect time for me to catch some waves! I went to LM for a short session, but was happy to be in the water with only a couple people out. I needed to get wet even if the waves weren't that great.

Jacob and I are going to teach Cindy how to surf again since she hasn't tried in awhile. I'll let you know how that goes.

Ride Waves and Spread the Swell,


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