February 27, 2011 | 0 comments

2.27.11 - Sunday Surf and Paddle Out

A bunch of us (Jacob, Chris, John, Nate, Cynthia, Beth and Luke) went south of the Jetty for a wave filled session. There was one other guy out there that we met in the parking lot named, Jeff. He is also a transplant from Boston (specifically Gloucester, MA). At the end of the session, Heather and Clayton (friends of Luke's that we just met today) paddled out for a couple waves.

I caught a lot of waves today, but the most memorable waves were party waves with Cynthia and Luke. Cynthia caught the party wave that Luke and I caught together on video. I am in the front and Luke is right behind me. Check it out below:

This was one of my best sessions in awhile thanks to fun waves and friends.

After we were done surfing, all of us did a memorial Paddle Out near Mavericks for Beth's father that passed away 2 weeks ago. We never met him, but she really wanted to do this in his honor. (All Photos taken by Carolina)


Beth speaking about her father

We placed flowers in the middle and splashed the water with Aloha

Ride Waves and Spread the Swell,


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