February 06, 2011 | 0 comments

2.6.11 Super Surf Sunday

Last night, our long time friend, Chris who went to college with us in Boston stayed over our place for the weekend. He lives in Lafayette, CA which is North East of San Francisco.

J-Bird and Chris after a surf session (picture taken by Luke)

We went to Cynthia's house to meet up with others for surf movies and pizza. We watched Modern Collective, Scratching the Surface and Endless Summer (1) because Jacob said he had never seen it!

At Cynthia's house, we all decided to go surfing in the morning. Before we met up with everyone, Jacob, Chris and I went to the surf shop to get Chris a new 5/4 wetsuit for the chilly Northern California waters. He is from Southern Florida so he doesn't enjoy the cold water. Afterward, we met up with Cynthia, Luke, Dugen and Kyle and decided to go to a place in HMB. Cynthia likes to call it "Rachel's Point."

 Chris, Jacob, J-Bird, Luke, Kyle (Picture taken by Cynthia and Dugen was on the phone)

I had never been there and it looked big and was really choppy. I tried for a wave and ungracefully tumbled. Chris and Cynthia were sitting on the inside peak so I decided to paddle and stay closer to them to catch my breath. Jacob caught some over head waves and looked great on his new board. Cynthia caught a wave that looked like she was stepping down a set of stairs due to the chop but looked like it was really fun. Chris was catching some fun ones and Luke caught some nice ones, but also had an intense wipe out resulting in a two wave hold down.

Chris came over to me and said that he rode by someone's board but didn't see a person near the board. I immediately thought it was Luke because I saw his wipe out and connected the two together. I saw him paddle towards the shore to take a break on the beach. I wasn't having much luck so I decided to paddle in to see if he was ok. He told me he was shot to the bottom of the reef and was held down. Soon after, everyone started to come in and we decided to go over to the Jetty where it was waist high, windy, crowded and less intense.

I definitely want to try Rachel's Point again when it is not as choppy and windy. I think I will have better luck when the conditions are better. I am really glad I went out and tried it because next time I will understand how the area works on a cleaner swell.

All in all a great weekend with all our old and new friends.

Ride Waves and Spread the Swell,


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