January 06, 2011 | 0 comments

1.6.11 LM close out session

Jacob and I woke up early to check the pier. The surf was double over head close outs. If we had more time we would have gone to the jetty, but we were pressed for time. With a 45 minute session we caught a couple waves. Jacob caught a nice clean head high wave and I dropped in on a wave that had a 2 second face and turned into white water. Even though our session wasn't as successful as we hoped, it's always great to be out in the water.

Jacob and I have decided that surfing at the pier in the winter might not be too successful since this is the time that the waves are the biggest. We will keep checking, but are thinking that the pier could be better in late spring, summer and early fall for waves that are more manageable.

I am hoping to get out tomorrow and/or this weekend. I want to head down to Santa Cruz so I can talk to Ward Coffey about shaping a new board for me. I am hoping to also put my own design on it!

Ride Waves and Spread the Swell,


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