January 04, 2011 | 0 comments

Bringing in the New Year - 2011

I have made some resolutions for 2011 and I hope that I achieve them.

Some of BirdSwell Resolutions:
• Spread the Swell as much as I can (this entails a lot of different things)
• Go to a Trade Show
• Be in Pacifica's Fog Festival
• 1 large event in SF (not sure what it will be yet)

Some Personal Surfing Resolutions:
• Surf 3-4 times a week (depending on swell conditions)
• Surf at the Pacifica Pier (my backyard) more often
• Blog about my surf sessions even if it is a short post (these blog posts will not always include where I go surfing (especially secret spots) but how it was and who I surfed with)

I have some other resolutions, but these are the ones that I really want to focus on.

What are some of your 2011 resolutions??

Spread the Swell,


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