October 26, 2010 | 0 comments

East to the West

Life has been a whirlwind ever since we left the east coast for the west coast.

Ever since we got here, there has been swell every day. Everyone tells us that Fall is the best time to surf in Nor Cal. We have been surfing a lot and have immersed ourselves in learning more about this area. We have met a bunch of surfers and new friends through twitter and have surfed with them, spent nights going to surf movies and had a fun BBQ at our house.

The two surf movies we have seen in SF are "Stoked and Broke" and "My Eyes Won't Dry 3 - Tubular Addiction"

"Stoked and Broke" was a surf journey with no money, on feet and close to home. I like how they collected valuable thoughts and advice from the people that they visited on their journey as well.

The footage in "My Eyes Won't Dry - Tubular Addiction" was incredible. Brian, surfer and producer of the movie, held a camera while he was surfing in massive tubes and he also mounted the camera on the back of his surfboard as well. The footage really made you feel like you were inside the tube with him.

Besides surfing, I have been researching screen printers, learning more about surf spots and shops, painting and creating a lot. 

California has already been so good to us and we have only been here for about month. We are just settling in and everything has flown by, but we are finally feeling a bit more grounded. I know I have a lot of work ahead of me "Spreading the Swell" on this coast, but I am excited for the adventure. 

Spread the Swell,


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