DartBoston Pokin' Holes Show
We were on a show called, “Pokin’ Holes” hosted by DartBoston at SCVNGR offices in South Boston this past Thursday.
DartBoston Pokin’ Holes is a live web cast and show that is held every Thursday in at different venue in the Boston area.
A young entrepreneur(s) (20 something) pitches their company and then a panel of other 20 somethings (usually entrepreneurs) “poke holes” in the company and give advice/suggestions on how to take your company to the next level and grow. The audience also takes part with questions and suggestions.
It was a great opportunity to hear about people’s thoughts and what they thought we could do to grow BirdSwell. We definitely going to take some of the suggestions and put them into action.
You can take a look at the show here.
Here are some pictures from the night as well:
Spread the Swell,